This and that

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Frost on the Windows..

One of the best parts of winter is the sun shining through the designs that Jack Frost does, especially on the window.  With the sun shining in the designs they are awesome..

All these pictures were taken in different rooms in the house.  I think because of the cold this year, more frost has been deposited on the windows.  Jack has given me more opportunity to play with my macro lens.

My favorite frost picture is this one:

I love how the sun is shining on the tree in the background.

Google + then animates some of the pictures... Which I think is cool....

This post is being shared over at Sunlit Sunday., Mosaic Monday

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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Tea Bag Holders

This is a pinterest craft that I have pinned and have wanted to make for some time.  I thought it would be perfect gift to make for friends that may be tea lovers.  For anyone that does any kind of paper crafts like scrapbooking this would be an ideal way to use up those scraps.  An inexpensive and easy way to send tea.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Black-eyed Beans Beignets

One of the recipes that my hubby always wanted to make was Beignets using Black-eyed Beans (or peas).  He said growing up in Togo, West Africa they would take Black-eyed Peas to the mill to be ground and then they would use the flour to make the Beignets.  These Beignets were called Gawoo in Ewe or Beignet de Haricot in French.

Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party ~ Berries

Berries, Berries, Berries is our theme for this week's linky party on Foodie Friends Friday. I hope you will join us and bring your favorite berry recipe or two to our party.  I know everyone has a recipe that includes berry.  Can't wait to see what you will bring.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

We Got some Snow... and some Sun

As you all know if you read my blog or even my facebook fan page... that we live where we get lots and lots and lots and lots of snow.  This year has been no exception and because it has been colder, that snow just keeps piling up.  The only thing that makes it at least bearable is that occasionally we do get to see the sun.  I just wish that sun would come out more often...

Some Snow and Some Sun

We did get a blizzard with snow one day this week, a blizzard that at times we couldn't see across the street or even our balcony rail from the living room window.  So the next morning meant that we did some shoveling.  As the daylight started, we could see the sunlight coming out.

Brown Rice Crackers and Salmon/Tomato Salsa

I have been fortune enough to be given a Wondermill through Grain Mill Wagon and absolutely love it.  We have had so much fun grinding my own flour.  So far we have ground black-eyed peas, popcorn and brown rice.  It is easy and  I am wondering if it is cheaper to do it this way then buying these different flours.  You can grind all sorts of whole grains and also beans.  They have a list of what the Wondermill Grain Mill can Grind.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Foodie Friends Friday ~ Peanut Butter Party.

I am a big fan of peanut butter... Fresh Bread and Peanut Butter ~  YUM!  This week on Foodie Friends Friday we are having..... Guess.... You are right a....