This and that

Friday, May 16, 2014

Cruise to Useppa Island

If you have been following my blog, you know that myself and two of my friends headed to Florida at the end of April to celebrated our upcoming 50th birthdays.  One of the things we did on our trip was go on a cruise to Useppa Island.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Foodie Friends Friday with Guest co-host Debi from Life Currents

Always excited for a new Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party.  Last week we had such great recipes linked up.  Hope you bring over a few yourself.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday {link-up} - South Seas Island Resort ~ A Birder's Paradise

Glad that you are joining me again for Almost Wordless Wednesday.   A place where you can show your pictures and say a little bit about it.  Last week I was so excited to see other's join and I hope that each week this link-up will get bigger.  The Link is at the bottom of the post.

Flow by Simpleware Cutting Board and a Recipe

I am always excited to bring to you my readers something that I think is wonderful.  For one thing I like to know about products from others before I try them and I am sure you are the same.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Driving in style with a Kia Soul !

If you have been following any of my social media, you will know that I was fortunate enough to travel to Captiva Island to celebrate a couple of friends and my upcoming 50th birthday, but did you know we were able to do it in style with a Kia Soul !

Friday, May 9, 2014

Foodie Friends Friday ~ Linky Party

Where does the time go?  It is already Friday morning and I am just getting my post ready... and I am sure there are already great recipes linked up.. So hope you will join me and link up some of your wonderful recipes.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Flower Cookies for Momma ~ #fillthecookiejar #mothersday

It's time to fill the cookie jar again... and mine is getting a bit empty.  This month's theme is mom's favorite cookies... Although that it isn't really what I did as I was thinking the theme was cookies for mother's day