Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Beignet Cupcakes for Mardi Gras
I was making beignets the other day and I thought this would be perfect to make for a cupcake and decorate them in a Mardi Gras colours.
Mardi Gras
Monday, February 24, 2014
Starbucks Verismo 580 Review

Staples. Review
Verismo 580
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Sun Streaks in the Snow
We are just coming out of a big snow storm/blizzard and have spent the last 3 days shoveling and moving snow. Hubby would shovel it on top of the already 5 feet of snow that we have in our yard. Climb up the bank and move it further down the way so that we can put more. The life of living in the U.P. and every day I wonder why....
Sunlit Sunday
Winter Sun
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Crazy Ingredient Challenge ~ Strawberries and Mustard
Have you ever made something and it just didn't turn out the way you wanted it too? That is what happened when I made my recipe for this month's Crazy Ingredient Challenge.
dinner entree
Mustard (condiment)
Pork chop
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Clouds and Blue Skies
We have been most fortunate these last couple of weeks as we have had lots of sun. This isn't normal for us as it is usually overcast and snowing. We have gotten lots of snow but for the last couple of weeks it has been down to just a small skiff per day... During the winter the sky even seems bluer then during the summer, I am not sure why that is. Is it because of the blue against the white of the snow it seems more brilliant? Or is it just because we don't see it that often that we are amazed by the colour? It doesn't matter ~ the sky is blue and it is wonderful.
blue sky
Sunlit Sunday
Friday, February 14, 2014
Pay it Forward ~ Creative
Have you ever pay-it-forward to anyone or had it done to you. It feels wonderful both ways. I love paying-it forward to others and one of the ways I have done it is leaving enough money to pay for part of the person bill behind me in the coffee line, dropping off something to the neighbors just because or putting money in the parking meter when I notice the time is running out. This summer I had a stranger pay-it-forward by leaving a gift card at Tim Horton's for the next person that came to the til.. That person was me. Leave me a comment if it has ever happened to you or how you have Pay-It-Forward.
Pay It Forward
Valentine's Day
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