This and that: Lemon
Showing posts with label Lemon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lemon. Show all posts

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Spicy Lemon Ginger Tea #CIC

Use chili powder and honey to make a sweet and spicy tea.

Spicy and Sweet together in each sip!  Honey and chili powder are the ingredients for this month's crazy ingredient challenge.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Lemon Thyme Iced Tea - #CIC

A delicious refreshing tea made with lemon and thyme.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Lemon Brownies Bites

Bite size morsels of chocolate with a hint of lemon,covered with a lemony butter frosting that is drizzled with chocolate makes these brownies awesome.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Lemon Basil Focaccio - #CIC

I am cutting this month's challenge to the last minute. I am not sure where the month went, before I knew it the 20th was just around the corner.  Our challenge this month is Basil and Lemon and as I had both, I thought I can do this.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Citrus Breaded Tilapia with Citrus Salad ~ CIC

It is time again for our Crazy Ingredient Challenge.
This month our ingredients are Orange (or Citrus) and Breadcrumbs.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Blog Train and a Picnic

We are going on a picnic and have brought a  lot of yummy recipes with us. 
What do you like to bring on you with you when you go on picnic?
Are you someone who is very elaborate or do you just pack simple?

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Ginger Lemon Rooibos Tea

I go in streaks were I will drink lemon water in the morning before I do anything else.  It happens every once in awhile.  I would like to do it every morning but I don't always seem to remember.  I found a wonderful recipe for a cleansing lemon drink with a punch in Get Naked in the Kitchen by Briana Santoro.  This book has wonderful recipes in it and I love that they give a story behind each recipe.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

April #SurpriseRecipeSwap - Seared Lemon Pepper Salmon


Looking outside and seeing all the snow and the blizzard that we are having, I can't believe that  April is here and just about over.  With that it is time for our Surprise Recipe Swap.  This is my second month doing this and it is so much fun.  Surprise Recipe Swap was started by Jutta from Hungry Little Girl.  At the beginning of the month we are give a blog to go and research and find a recipe that we would like to make.  Then on the 20th we reveal the recipe.
This month the blog that I received was Jessica's over at Simple, Clean and Homemade.  I was familiar with her blog as she has linked up some of her recipes to our Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party.  After reading her blog I found out that we started blogging around the same time.  She has so many wonderful recipes that I want to try.  One in particular is her Spice Lamb Flatbread and I would have used this one in the Recipe Swap but right now I am off eating grains and the flatbread is party of the recipe that I don't want to change. So I have filed that away for another time.
The recipe that I did pick was her Seared Lemon Pepper Salmon.  I picked this one as we eat a lot of fish and also salmon, although the salmon that we eat is usually smoked.  I have tried to bake and bbq salmon but it always seems to come out dry.  This recipe looked so good and I have to tell you it was.

Seared Lemon Pepper Salmon

slightly adapted from Simple Clean and Homemade

1 lb salmon, cut into four pieces
lemon pepper
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp butter
3 cloves of garlic minced
2 tbsp fresh thyme
juice of one lemon

Liberally add lemon pepper to the top of each salmon piece.  Heat your skillet on a medium-high heat.  Drizzle a small amount of oil on the pan.  Place the salmon flesh down onto the skillet and cook without moving for a few minutes until a crust forms.  Flip and add remaining ingredients.  I mixed the oil, butter, garlic, thyme and lemon and poured over salmon.  Turn heat down and cook until you reach desired temperature.  Spoon sauce over salmon while cooking.

We ate ours with roasted vegetables and grilled pineapple wedges.  This salmon was the best salmon I have ever tasted.  It was moist and the flavour was wonderful... buttery and lemon.  I used thyme instead of cilantro as I am not a very big cilantro fan and also because I had some fresh thyme that needed to be used up. 
I did make a pound of salmon so that we would have some left overs but it was so good that every little morsel was gone when we left the dinner table.  We had this for our Anniversary Dinner and it was lip smacking good.
Thanks Jessica ~ Simple, Clean and Homemade for a wonderful recipe.
I am no longer nervous to make salmon anymore.


Ϡ₡✻   Marlys

✻✿*.¸.* Enjoy your day....`*.¸.*✻✿*.¸.*

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