Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday {link-up} - Sunrise At South Seas Island Resort

Sorry, I didn't get my Almost Wordless Wednesday Post done last week but I was vacationing at South Seas Island Resort,  located on Gulf of Mexico on Captiva Island.  A perfect place for a photographer....

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Sunrise at South Seas Island Resort

I was given a discount on rates at South Seas Island Resort for my honest review.. All opinions are 100% mine.
It has been almost a week since I return from my short vacation to South Seas Island Resort... A girl's weekend away to celebrate our 50th birthdays.  I do miss the sun and the warmth, along with the wonderful visits we shared together.. 

The Morning Sunrise from North Pointe

Sun is starting to come up on the horizon

Fishermen going out

A Blue Heron (I think) flew onto the T-Dock just ready to have his pictures taken.   I enjoyed watching it walk across the deck, enjoying the sunrise too. At one point a couple walked onto the dock across from the bird.  The bird looked at them like... as long as you stay on your side, you are ok.. The couple walked towards the bird.  He sat there until they passed and slowly made his way down to the other side of the deck...

A Beautiful, Tranquil Place

You are invited to participate in Almost Wordless Wednesday
Here is how:
1.  Create a post for that is almost wordless.  Theme is of your choice.  I like to talk so I am sure I will have words in my post but try to keep it to a minimum.
2.  All pictures must be your own or with the permission of photographer.  
3.  Please link back to my post, either by a written link or I have provided a button for you to post.
4.  We all love to have visitors to our blogs, please take time to visit other posts that are linked up.  I will visit all posts but please be patient, it may take me a while depending on my work schedule.
5.  Copy the link of your post and add it to the linky tool below.

I would love if you would follow me through my many social media (although not required) that are listed on the right side of my page.  Let me know if you are following me so I can follow back. 

The most important rule is have fun....
I have the right to delete any posts that are not appropriate.
This and That

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Linked Up to:  Wordless Wednesday Link-up
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. Beautiful photos! Thanks for the link up!

  2. Beautiful Marlys! Again I will say, I am jealous of your vacation :-) Thanks for hosting! Your party is what prodded me into getting my camera out!

  3. Yoir pictures are beautiful! I could sure use some sand and surf right about now. Guess I am going to be living vicariously for a few more weeks! :)

  4. I love the one with the heron flying by the sunset.

  5. Beautiful shots - thanks for sharing! :)

  6. what a wonderful way to celebrate your passage into the next season. my 50th was spent wallowing under the blankets. i think your idea was better!

  7. Hi Marlys, I just discovered that you do a Wordless Wednesday party and thanks, another fun party for me to join each week! I follow you on twitter now and instagram too! Thanks again.
    Julie at Julie's Lifestyle

  8. So Pretty! I especially love the fishermen going out in the morning.

  9. Beautiful photos Marlys. They are wonderful memories of your vacation.

  10. Wow - you captured beautiful photos. I've been to Captiva many times but never stayed at South Seas. IT's truly beautiful!


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