Last evening as we were getting ready for bed, my husband requested this for breakfast.... And as a good wife, I got up an hour and half before he needed to leave so that I could make it for him. He doesn't request things that often and he also said that the last time I made it, it was AWESOME ~~ yes, he said it in capital letters ~~ he said it was done to perfection, crispy and the eggs were done perfectly. He also said you know the one that you make with Maggi liquid. Well, I have never put Maggi liquid in this breakfast, although I will put it in when I make omelets and as I don't really use a cookbook for my recipes, I wondered if this breakfast would turn out as good as the last one or not........HHHMMMM. Let us see.
breakfast casserole |
Breakfast Casserole
This recipe I found in a cooking magazine and I don't even recall which one. I have made it many times, changing a few things each time I make it..... So please feel free to change it and add as you make it...... Remember recipes should be used as a guide and you should make them your own.
Here is how I made it this morning:
Seasoning croutons (enough to cover the bottom of the pan)
peppers - I used red and yellow
onions - I use red onions
bacon or sausage or even both --- I do about 3 sausages when I use them or about
4-5 pieces of bacon and crumble into small pieces
cheese --- I use whatever I have on hand... and about a handful or so depending on
you taste... My husband thinks I use to much cheese, so I don't put alot in, so that
he can't see it :)
5 eggs
1/4 cup milk or water
1 tsp garlic minced
1tbsp greek seasoning
splash of maggi liquid seasoning {I decided to try some this time}
salt and pepper to taste
1 roma tomato.
Preheat oven to 350. I use a 6 cup glass anchor dish (it measure 6.5 inches X 8 inches). I sometimes spray it with PAM but today I didn't and it came out great.
Place croutons in bottom of dish. Cut up peppers, onions and mushrooms (or you can use whatever veggies you have on hand). I don't measure but just cut until there is a layer over the croutons. Spread bacon or sausage on veggie layer. Sprinkle cheese over this layer.
In separate bowl, mix eggs, milk, garlic, greek seasoning, maggi liquid seasoning, salt and pepper. If I use maggi liquid seasoning I don't put in as much salt and sometimes none as the maggi is salty. Spread this mixture over the croutons, veggie and cheese layer. I do press down on the layers so that there is egg throughout everything.
Cut up tomato and place over the egg mixture. Place in oven and bake @ 350 for 45-55 minutes until golden brown and eggs are done. The edges do get crispy but we like it that way... If you don't want it as crispy, don't cook as long, just cook until eggs are set.
ready to go into the oven... Sorry the picture didn't turn out very good. |
Did it turn out??? Yes, It was delicious and I think even better then the last time I made it. Now I just need to make some homemade croutons instead of store bought for the next time...
served it with a side of fresh fruit and orange juice. |
*** When I make this in a 6 cup baking dish, I cut it into 4 pieces... My husband usually eats two and I eat one... So I would say the serving is for 4.
*** If you want to add more eggs... to make it a bigger casserole that will work good too... Also you could replace some of the eggs with just egg whites to make it even healthier and add more veggies and no meat.
This is an easy breakfast to make, takes a short time to prepare the veggies and cooking time is longer so you need to think ahead. You can also make it the night before and put it in the refrigerator over night and pop it in the oven in the morning, as I remember that is how the recipe says to do it... I find the croutons get too soggy when it sits over night, so I just make it in the morning... Gives you time to check out some blogs, do some facebook time or even pintrest time while your loved ones are snoozing.
Till next time. <3 <3 <3 Marlys