This and that

Thursday, January 23, 2014

DIY Valentine Tea Bags with a free printable.

DIY Valentine Tea Bags

I am a big fan of tea... I drink at least one cup of tea every day if not more.  I also love to drink tea made from loose tea, but it is always a problem as  I end up with strainers full of loose tea all over the house or at least my kitchen.  

Did you know that you could make tea bags from coffee filters?  They work perfectly and you don't have to worry about straining the loose tea... you can just throw out the tea bag.  Perfect, simple and the bag can be in the shape you want.  I didn't have the big size coffee filters but did have some filters from EZ pod so used them..  You could also make them in the EZ Pod shape, just stitch around the top and then they could be put in your Single- Cup Pot.

I decided to make them up with some valentine labels but also did some teacup labels.  You could even write on the back what type of loose tea you placed in.  For the labels you can print them here.

Coffee filters
Loose Tea
String or Thread (I used heavy thread)

Print labels and cut out.
I used EZ Pod refills so pulled them apart slightly,  Filled with 1 tsp of loose tea and sewed the filters together with thread into a semi circle.
If using large coffee filters I would cut them into a circle about 1 1/2 inch diameter, add loose tea and sew them into a semi circle.
To attach label, tie knot, thread through the tea bag and then through the label, keeping a length of string of 1 -2 inches between the tea bag and label.  
Use DIY tea bags as you would bought tea bags.  


Perfect gifts to give teachers, grandmothers, aunts or anyone that is a tea lover.   I love teavana tea and this would be a way to personalize the gift.

Note: Make sure that you attach the thread to the top of the heart or when you use it you will have a upside down heart like mine in the picture.  My threads where cut too long for my cup.  You could measure them so that the bag fits nicely into a cup.

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Printables were made with the help of

Linked to these Great Blogs: Inspire Us Thursday, Valentine's Day Saturday Dishes, Weekend Block Party
In & Out of the Kitchen

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tea Cups in the Snow for Sunlit Sunday

We finally got some sun in these parts.  Today was a wonderful bright and sunny day.  The snow was glistening and as we had just got a few fresh inches of fluffy snow, it looked wonderful outside.

I had seen some pictures of tea cups in the snow floating around facebook and always wanted to do some pictures like that and today I got my chance.  I really should have looked at them earlier as they weren't exactly how I wanted them to be... I guess I will have to go out again on the next sunny day and take more.

Tea Cups in the Snow 

This picture I did in pencil style....

If you would like to join Sunlit Sunday, click on the button below.

Linked also to these great blogs:  Make it Pretty Monday, Twirl & Take A Bow, Treasure Box Tuesday

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Disclaimer: “This and That is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party ~ recipes that have a story

Many of the recipes we make tell a story ~ whether it is a personal story about how we came to making the recipe or a family recipe that has been handed down from generation to generation.  I think we all have a recipe in our box that has a story behind it.  This week on Foodie Friends Friday we would love to hear the story that your recipe has...

Ginger Lemon Rooibos Tea

I go in streaks were I will drink lemon water in the morning before I do anything else.  It happens every once in awhile.  I would like to do it every morning but I don't always seem to remember.  I found a wonderful recipe for a cleansing lemon drink with a punch in Get Naked in the Kitchen by Briana Santoro.  This book has wonderful recipes in it and I love that they give a story behind each recipe.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Persimmon Pear Spice Bundt Cake

A fuyu persimmon fruit
A fuyu persimmon fruit (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Persimmons are one of my favorite fruits... That is from about a month ago or so. I had never had a persimmon and not too long ago I saw them at Walmart. I decided that I would buy one to at least try them. I came home to see if hubby has ever eaten one and no he hadn't, so we didn't have a clue to how figure out when they would be ripe... but we lucked out and they were wonderful. Kind in between an apricot and a mango...that looks like an orange tomato... YUM!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Spring into Cash ~ Free Blogger Opportunity...

Spring Into Cash Event

Organized by: Mom Powered Media

Grand Prize: $1,000 Visa Gift Card

Event dates: 3/20 – 4/10

Open to all bloggers with 2,500 facebook fans or more.

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Jars to Valentine's Candle or Candy Dish

One of my go to places to find ideas for crafts in Pinterest and I found this great, simple inexpensive way to make candles or even a candy dish or cookies... or what ever you may want to put in it.  I know I would love to have this on my mantle or even on my dresser, holding knick knacks.