Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday {link-up} ~ Full Moon

Are you superstitious?  What about having a full moon on Friday the 13th.. Did it make you nervous?  I love the full moon and this month's full moon was gorgeous.

Almost Wordless Wednesday ~ Full Moon

June's fall moon is called the Strawberry Moon because of June being Strawberry month and time of harvesting them.  This year the full moon fell on Friday the 13th.   We were travelling home that evening from our visit to my brother's in Indianapolis and we were able to see the moon rise over Lake Superior.  It was magnificent.  I did take some pictures as we were travelling with my I-phone.

This picture was taken near Baraga and as we were going highway speed not the best but you can imagine how the moon shone across the lake coming over to our side of the shore.  

Once we got home, I did take a couple of pictures of the moon.  Not only was it Friday the 13th, the full moon but it was also downright cold that night and as it was close or even at midnight that I was out there... I was freezing... so only snapped a few pictures.

I also love to take pictures of leaves and branches in front of the moon. 

I still need to learn more on how to take a proper moon picture and what the best settings are.  Some day I will have some great pictures of the moon - That is on my bucket list.

You are invited to participate in Almost Wordless Wednesday
Here is how:
1.  Create a post for that is almost wordless.  Theme is of your choice.  I like to talk so I am sure I will have words in my post but try to keep it to a minimum.
2.  All pictures must be your own or with the permission of photographer.  
3.  Please link back to my post, either by a written link or I have provided a button for you to post.
4.  We all love to have visitors to our blogs, please take time to visit other posts that are linked up.  I will visit all posts but please be patient, it may take me a while depending on my work schedule.
5.  Copy the link of your post and add it to the linky tool below.

I would love if you would follow me through my many social media (although not required) that are listed on the right side of my page.  Let me know if you are following me so I can follow back. 

The most important rule is have fun....
I have the right to delete any posts that are not appropriate.

This and That

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Linked up to these great parties:  Grapefruitprincess Reloaded Wordless Wednesday, #Wordless Wednesday Wordless Wednesday - Erika Price


  1. Those full moon photos are amazing. Thanks for the party and have a nice day!

  2. Love your Moon pics!! Being superstitious is fun!! LOL


  3. Love your moon shots. Mine never come out that great.

  4. I loved the huge moonrise last week. It was so beautiful. You captured it well!

  5. I loved the huge moonrise last week. It was so beautiful. You captured it well!

  6. My first time linking up. Your photos are very good. We had storms during the Friday moon time and I get not get any shots. So good to see yours. Looking to meet some new bloggers and ideas.

  7. Those moon photos are wonderful. Love how you have catch the bridge of moon.

  8. I love the photo of the moon with the bridge of moon. It is great with those light waves.

  9. I cant get photos of the moon I have tried, your doing good with them. The second almost looks like a bat is flying across the edge. Thanks for hosting today, come one over and add your blog as well!

  10. The full moon photos are excellent. I have taken dozens of photos of the full moons and they really are not good. There is an element of timing to allow enough light in. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos.

  11. Great moon shots!


  12. Beautiful moon shots. Happy WW!

  13. Such a pretty picture of the full moon. I have tried taking pictures of the moon none have turned out that good. :)

  14. Love that moon- it totally kept me and my girls up at night though so bright- it brought out our latent pagan moon worshippers I guess!


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