Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Baked Doughnuts with Strawberries and Cream

This past weekend I turned the Big 5-0 and if I wanted to have any cake I knew that I would have to make it myself.  We spent all last week in Indianapolis with my brother and his family and during our stay there we had cake twice that my niece made.. simple easy cake that was delicious.

She first made a Cherry Angel Food Cake and then made a Key Lime Angel Food Cake.  Angel Food Cake is one of my favorites and my grandma always made me one for my birthday.  Although these weren't technically made for my birthday ~ I could pretend can't I.

So anyways, I decided not to make a cake and went for doughnuts instead.  I had bought a doughnut pan a while back when I won a gift card from Joann Fabric through a wonderful friend Marilyn from 4 You With Love .  Yes, I bought baking supplies from there... I did buy some fabrics and other crafts too but I was excited to get the doughnut pan.

I had never made baked doughnuts as I had always fried them so I had to find a recipe and headed to my favorite on-line place for recipes and found a wonderful that I could  use called Baked Doughnuts.  We had them for breakfast with strawberry and Whipped Cream and they were delicious.

Baked Doughnuts with Strawberries and Cream

adapted from Baked Doughnuts
I made only half a recipe and was able to get 9 doughnuts out of the dough and I probably could have stretched it to 12 and still had decent sized doughnuts.
Ingredients:  Printable Recipe
1/2 cup Zulka Morena Pure Cane Sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp anise
1 1/2 cup flour
3/4 cup almond milk
1 egg
2 tsp honey
1/4 cup melted butter

Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
In bowl add dry ingredients (first 8 ingredients) and set aside. 
 Melt butter and let cool, once cool mix in milk, egg and honey. 
 Pour wet ingredients into dry ingredients and mix well.  
Spoon dough into doughnut pan about 3/4 full. 
Bake at 350 degrees for 12 -14 minutes until brown. 
Once baked let cool for about 5 minutes in pan and then cool the rest of the way on cooling rack.

Enjoy these doughnuts plain or you can cut them in half and add whipped cream (either homemade or bought) and strawberries.  We also sprinkled a little anise seed on the whip cream.  Enjoy them for breakfast or anytime during the day.

My next try I am going to even try and decrease more of the fat content.  This one I decreased it by using Almond Milk instead of Buttermilk in the original recipe.  I also want to get rid of or decrease the butter, that is my goal for the next batch.


  1. I'm addicted to strawberries right now so this is absolutely perfect for me. :) Do you happen to have any leftovers?

    1. Andrea, I do have some left over.... and they are just as good a few days later then they were the day I baked them.

  2. That looks gorgeous. I love doughnuts and these look so yum yum :)

  3. This looks great. I've never made or even thought to attempt a home made donut.. Linking up from The Southern Special

  4. I"m starting my morning craving donuts now :) These look delicious!! Will have to add to my list to make. Thanks!!

    1. Let me know if they work out for you Stacey.

  5. Strawberries and cream for breakfast :-) If only strawberries would mature over here....yammmm!

    1. I am still buying store bought strawberries as ours are mature yet. I heard that some parts of Finland got snow this morning.

  6. I LOVE doughnuts and I LOVE strawberry shortcake. Best of both worlds! Pinning for sure!

    1. This is best of both worlds... thanks for the pin.

  7. Looks yummy! My ex m-i-l used a similar recipe that she called baking powder biscuits which I have been unable to duplicate to my satisfaction. I ought to try yours instead.

    1. I hope you do, please let me know if this recipe works out for you.

  8. Oh my Marlys those do look yummy.. I may just have to make me some donuts now.... Cathy

  9. Your doughnuts look delicious. I love that you served them with strawberries and whipped cream, yum!

  10. Oh my! These doughnuts look delicious.... I have never tried them with strawberries before, what a great idea! I love it. I bet it tastes amazing!! :)
    XoXoX Crystelle
    Crystelle Boutique

  11. These look delicious and will be fun to try! Happy birthday!

  12. These look amazing!!! I might just have to try and bake :) found you from the weekend retreat kinky party


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