Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I am Co-hosting a Party over at Fluster Busters #linkyparty

I am so excited this week as I am co-hosting with Robin from Fluster Buster.  I have linked up to her parties a couple of times when I remember and last week my Taco Filled Shells  were a hit... So thank you to everyone that took the time to come over and check them out.  Also thank you Robin for featuring them this week and letting me be co-host.  I can't wait to see what you all bring to this week's party.

BAM - Mexican meets Italian! Marlys from This and That won everyone over last week with her Taco Filled Shells recipe. I have to say it's a very clever combination. I even think it's something that my picky eater would like, minus the sour cream of course. If you missed her recipe last week head over and check it out. While your there check out some of the African recipes that she has.

Party #35
(begins every Tuesday at 6pm EST and ends Sunday at 11:55pm EST)
By linking to this party, you're giving Fluster Buster permission to use your photos in featured posts and on social media.



Fluster Buster


  1. Thanks for hosting! I'm following your blog & social media now!

    1. Thanks for coming by Diana, I think I follow you already but I will check.

  2. Hi Marlys, Thanks for hosting. There are a lot of interesting posts. I love the DIY projects - I'm a DIYer when I have time.

    Have a great week,
    Joanne/WineLady Cooks

    1. Thanks Joanne for coming by... I am going to have fun going through the posts ~ I love crafts and DIY if only I had the time.


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