Thursday, August 29, 2013

Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party ~Grilling and Outdoor Recipes #foodiefriendsfriday

Summer is slowly coming to an end, days are starting to get shorter and the leaves are turning colour.  But there is still time to do some outdoor cooking.  I find this time of year is perfect to have a fire when the evenings are a little bit cooler and you are not sweating over your BBQ.

So this week we are going to have

Grilling and Outdoor Recipes 

For our Foodie Friends Friday Party
Last Week's Highlights
Host Favorites

Once again each of the host picked their favorite recipe.. We had some great pizza recipes and these ones were our favorite.  These recipes are then featured over at the Daily Dish Magazine on Mondays.  To be picked you must link back your recipe to Foodie Friends Friday and/or the host blog that you link up with.  Next week your recipe just might be here.  To see last week's host favorites head over HERE.

My Host Favorite 
I love breakfast pizzas but don't make them very often.  So when I saw this Breakfast Pizza from The Boiled Noodle, I knew that this one would be a favorite for me.  It has both bacon and sausage, you don't even have to decide which one you want.  What could be better.  Thank you Jenn for linking up this wonderful recipe.  I hope to make it soon.
photo credit: The Boiled Noodle
 Most Clicks
California Club Pizza and Eggplant Pizza ~ This and That
S'mores Pizza ~ Winelady Cooks

Welcome to Foodie Friends Friday!

Please take a moment to read through the rules before getting started, Thank You!

*By linking up you agree that you read these rules and all photos/recipes are original and belong to you. You agree to allow Foodie Friends Friday and any of it's affiliated websites or publications (Social Girls Media, LLC) to use photos, links, and recipes for reprint and/or republishing and distribution without monetary compensation to you. If photos & recipes are used, proper link backs to you will be included.
foodie friends friday, rules
Adding Links back to Foodie Friends Friday and our Button is our only form of advertising to bring in more people to see YOUR recipes.
Please remember to do this. It benefits you! To thank you, we will continue to feature those with links throughout the year on various outlets.

Foodie Friends Friday
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  1. Thanks for hosting and Thank-you so much for featuring my Veggie Pizza on Foodie Friends Friday Host Favorites:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines


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