Monday, December 1, 2014

PIkkupullat ~ Finnish Sweet Buns

Last week my furnace decided to that it needed to take a break.  While I was waiting for the repairman to come ~ and as the house got colder and colder I decided to do some baking.  Sweet bread making as that way I could keep the oven on for a long period of time.  Instead of making my pulla into loaves, I decided to make them into "Pikkupullat" ~ small buns.


Pikkupullat (Finnish Small Buns/ This and That #sweetbread #Finland

I was so excited when I made this recipe as it turned out wonderfully.  I am not sure if it was because I warmed the kitchen with the oven and a space heater or if it was just the luck of the draw.  This was a new recipe that I tried and I think it will be my go-to recipe from now on.  The recipe was found in a church cookbook called "Christmas in the Country" which I adapted slightly)

2 tbsp. active dry yeast
1 tbsp sugar plus 1/2 cup sugar divided  (I used Zulka Morena Pure Cane Sugar)
1 cup water (110-115 F)
2 cup warm milk (110-115 F)
2/3 cup butter melted
2 eggs beatened
1 tbsp cardamom
1 tbsp salt
8 cup flour
extra butter
1/4 cup sugar (I used Zulka Morena Pure Cane Sugar)
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 beaten egg white (optional)
Pearl Sugar (optional)

In medium bowl dissolve yeast, 1 tbsp sugar in water.  Let stand for 10 minutes.
Once yeast is proofed, pour into mixing bowl add milk, butter, eggs, salt, cardamom and remaining 1/2 cup sugar.
Add enough flour to form a soft dough. (I add in 1/2 - 1 cup at a time and use my dough hooks). Take out of bowl and knead until dough is soft and elastic.
Place in greased bowl and turn once to grease the top.
Cover and let rise until it is double in size - approx 1 hour.
To make buns, divide dough in 4 -5 even balls.
Either oil or spread flour onto pastry sheet or counter top.
Take one ball of dough and roll out into a thin rectangle (about 1/4 inch think).
Combine 1/4 cup sugar and 1 tbsp cinnamon in small bowl (you may need to make more but I start with this)
Cover dough with small amount of butter and sprinkle with sugar/cinnamon mixture.
Cut dough into 1/2 inch strips across the width of the rectangle)
Using two strips, braid them and wrap them around your hand bring the bottom through the inside of the circle that you made.
Place on cookie sheet and let rise again about 1/2 hour.
Brush on beaten egg white and sprinkle with Pearl Sugar.
Bake at 350 degree F for 25 minutes - 30 minutes until buns are slightly brown.
Cool on cooking rake.

Pikkupullat (Finnish Sweet Buns)/This and That #sweetbuns

If you don't want to make them into braid, them cut a small amount of dough and make them into bun shape.   When make a round bun, I don't and the sugar/cinnamon mixture.  These are then great to eat with cheese.

Baker's note:  When I make any type of bread that I am going to make into buns, I don't use as much flour as it says.  My dough is slightly sticky but I find that the buns aren't as heavy when the dough is sticky.  It then is easier to use your hands to roll out the dough instead of a rolling pin.

Pulla or Pikkupullat  is often served with coffee or tea and at special occasions.

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Shared at these awesome parties: Mix it Up Monday, You're Gonna Love it Tuesday, Lou Lou Girls Fabulous Party


  1. These look so delicious and I bet the aroma they made while rising and baking added even more warmth to your kitchen. Thank you for sharing your recipe. Pinning it. Cathy

  2. Look so easy to bake!! I'd love to try this soon.

  3. these are so beautiful and look so yummy!

  4. They look delicious! I love cardamon in anything!

  5. So great! We live trying different foods over here so we'll have to try it out!

  6. These look so wonderful! I could go for one of those for my dinner tonight.

  7. Im such a chicken about baking - but this makes me want to give it a try.

  8. Yum! Those look really delicious :)

  9. yum!! Bread that pulls apart is the best ;o)

  10. These sound absolutely incredible! Yum!

  11. Yummy! I would make them and eat them with all kinds of things. I love bread, and sweet buns are definitely something that would go fast around here!

  12. Oh wow, these look incredible. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  13. G'day These looks great Marlys! Pinned and shared!
    Cheers! Joanne

  14. I love Pikkupullas! I just never really got the hang of doing the dough. I really stink at making yeast based bakery. But I loved to eat them in my childhood. They are always a Christmas staple also in Finland :)

  15. Those look heavenly! When it gets super cold here, I like to start baking, too.

  16. These look so good! I love baked goodies, especially now that it is cold. These look like they would be so good with my morning coffee.

  17. Hi Marlys...I'm familiar with Portuguese sweet rolls, I wonder if these taste the same or as sweet? They look delish!
    @ A Place for Pictures and Memories

  18. These are beautiful, and what a perfect way to stay warm. I love your tip about adding less flour for buns. I will remember that!

  19. This looks so perfect! I wish I could take a bite right now! Pinned and tweeted. Thank you for being a part of our party. I hope to see you on Monday at 7 pm. It wouldn't be a party without you!
    Happy Saturday! Lou Lou Girls

  20. These look heavenly, I'll take a dozen ASAP!


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