Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree ~Blogger Christmas Series Blog Hop #2

Do you put up a real or an artificial tree?  If you put a real tree do you go out and cut down your own or buy one off the lot?  For my second post of the Blogger Christmas Series I am going to show you some of the Trees I have decorated and some of the trees around my town.

Oh! Christmas Tree

Growing up we always had to wait for Dad to bring our tree and it was something that he always dragged his feet in bringing us one.  After moving away from home I would put my tree up right after American Thanksgiving or at least by the first week in December.  Now that I am getting older it seems that I don't get it up as early ~ maybe that is the reason that my Dad dragged his feet.

I remember my grandma telling me stories of the trees that her family had when she was growing up. She told me that the tree was put in a special room in the house and the door was always closed except when they went into see the tree.  They would put the tree up about a week or so before Christmas and leave the tree up until late January.   The tree had candles on it so if it was lite someone had to be there for the time it was lit.  I always wanted to have a tree that had candles for lights instead of bulbs.   
Well I did have a candlelit tree......
This was the first tree that I put up after moving from home and I still have it.

I then graduated to an artificial tree...

Some year I will graduate to a real tree!

Still no real tree... ARTIFICIAL.

I drove around town and took some pictures of the trees that peoples and shops have up already. They are just starting to put them up.  I need to go and take a few more with my camera instead of with my i-phone.

This is one of my favorite display...
I took this picture last year.

I hope you will check out all the other awesome bloggers post that are all about Christmas.

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  1. Pretty tree! I am loving the ribbon....and I agree with you. I am finding every year it takes me longer to get my tree up too....

  2. What a fun post. Loved hearing your stories of your different Christmas trees! Growing up we had a real tree until my mother decided it was too much work to clean the needles out of the carpeting! When I was first married, hubby and I had a real tree for quite a few years, but we've had a fake tree for the last 10 years and I do like it better. It's easier.

  3. Very pretty tree Marlys. I love reading your stories about past trees. We put up an artificial tree because we have a couple with pine allergies.

  4. How beautiful a tree lit with candles would be! I would be to nervous to have it in my house, but it sounds wonderful! We should be going out to cut down our tree this weekend.

  5. Thanks for sharing your memories. I love that outdoor display, too!

  6. Stories from one generation to the other are so valuable. Hope you'll get a real tree soon .-)

  7. Marly,
    Your tree journey has taken us on a lovely trip. Thank you for sharing your story with us.
    Happy creating,
    Karen Marie
    Dragonfly & Lily Pads

  8. As long as I have grandkids to do the decorating, I guess I'll put up the tree(s) the day following Thanksgiving. My mom wouldn't let us have a tree until the day after my birthday because she wanted to keep my birthday special. 12/3.


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