Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sun Streaks in the Snow

We are just coming out of a big snow storm/blizzard and have spent the last 3 days shoveling and moving snow.  Hubby would shovel it on top of the already 5 feet of snow that we have in our yard.  Climb up the bank and move it further down the way so that we can put more.  The life of living in the U.P. and every day I wonder why....
But then the days that we get sun, it makes it all worth while.  

The sun shining across the pristine snow is so beautiful.

And shining off the snow covered roof tops

These pictures were taken a couple of weeks ago.  We did get some sun during the first part of the week, but then came the blizzard..

This post is linked up with these great blogs: Sunlit Sunday, Mosaic Mondays

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  1. The light across the snow is stunning! The rooftop is magical. Thank you for sharing a look at a world I can only see in photos! Smiles...Susan

  2. popping over from Sunlit Sundays..that shot of the snow covered roofs is amazing - LOVE it! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Great sun streaks and fantastic mosaic. Have a wonderful week.

  4. You're right, there is something beautiful about sunlight on fresh snow, and you've had plenty of the white stuff this winter, Marlys! The bands of light in the first photo and on the roof edge make for wonderful shots. I hope the blizzards are winding down in your area

    Thanks for joining in with Sunlit Sunday and bringing the U.P. this way.


  5. Well I'm glad someone still has snow like us!

  6. What lovely harmony between the light and the snow. Fresh snow is beautiful. I hope that your snowfalls will lessen and the remainder quickly melt as spring comes closer.

  7. Those are some unique snow shots and I love them! Well done. I hope you're snow-free soon!

  8. Lovely images of the snow and sunlight. The rooftop shot is gorgeous. Have a happy week!

  9. I love your creative mosaic!
    Rainey @ The Project Table

  10. Really nice photos- I love that light too!

  11. Clever photos! Thank you for sharing.


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