Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Baking... baking and more baking...


    This past weekend I spent in the kitchen getting ready for a fundraiser brunch for our church... We served Belgium waffles with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries - both fresh and made into a sauce.  I was hoping to take pictures of the waffles but even though I remembered to take my camera, along with the rest of my kitchen, I  left the memory card in my computer. So no pictures..
      I made pulla which is a Finnish sweet bread, 2 different types of muffins and 2 different types of coffee cakes.  Today I will give you the recipe of the pulla I made.

     Growing up I had always heard this Finnish cardamon bread called pulla.  My Finnish sister-in-law called it pulla but when I moved to Yooper land of Michigan, everyone called it nisu. It looked and tasted the same to me so I had to do some investigation: is it the same... yes.  Nisu is "old Finn" and Pulla is "new Finn".  The Finnish word for wheat is "nisu" ~~ so it does make sense that this bread is called nisu.
      In Finland, pulla is always served with coffee or at least every where I went when we were served coffee, pulla was part of the coffee lunch.  The bread is normally made with a tradition 3 strand bread and is often made into a wreath shape for special occasions: birthdays, anniversary, name day or other honored celebrations.
        The recipe that I usually use when I make pulla is from a church cookbook. I love using church cookbooks as I feel that the recipes submitted are tried and true and usually with ingredients that are in your household.


  • 3 eggs                                                                                                                                     
  • 1 cup sugar                                                                                                                      
  • 2 cups milk (scalded)                                                         
  • 1 t. ground cardamon ( I use 1 tbsp)
  • 1-1/2 t. salt
  • 2 pkgs dry yeast, dissolved in small amount of water
  • 1/2 cup butter (melted)
  • 6-7 cups flour                                    

 Beat eggs and sugar well.  Add milk, cardamom, butter and salt.  Cool to lukewarm then add yeast.  Add flour and knead well.  You may use Kitchen Aid mixer.  Set in a warm place to rise until doubled.  Braid and put on greased pan.  Beat one egg and brush over tops of pullas before setting to rise.  Sprinkle sugar or pearl sugar. Let rise until almost doubled. Once they are close to double in size bake at 375 degrees for 25-28 minutes until nicely browned.  For caramel rolls or cinnamon loaf reduce the sugar to 1/2 cup.

Caramel for rolls:
3/4 cup brown sugar                                2 T. white corn syrup
1/2 cup cream
Bring to boil and pour into greased pans; put rolls on top, let rise until double in size and bake.

*  I normal use rapid rise yeast and add the yeast to the flour instead of putting it before the flour.  If using dry yeast - proof it by adding 1 pkg (2 1/4 tsp) to 1/4 warm water (100-110F) and 1 tsp sugar.
*  You may need more flour.  I just add flour until the dough is slightly sticky but doesn't stick to the bowl.
*  I put saran wrap and tea towel over the bowl when the dough is rising and will put the bowl on top of a warm oven or in front of a warm oven on a chair.

Letting the dough raise
*  If making cinnamon or caramel rolls - I roll the dough out and add melted margarine and a mixture of brown sugar and cinnamon.
*  I also use powdered sugar with milk to make a glaze and drizzle it over the ridges of the braid.
*  Also typical Finnish pulla will have sliced almonds on top.. This is done once you form your loaf, before putting it to rise again.

5 strand braid- small loaves
cinnamon buns

large loaf - 5 strand braid

rising the formed pullas

This batch  made into 3 loaves.. 2 small and 1 large and 18 cinnamon rolls. My rolls ended up being different sizes but they all turned out well.  I started to follow Chef in disguise and in one post there is directions to braid with 3, 4 and 5 strands.  Using the video I was able to finally due braids like a professional... Braiding like Chef in Disguise.  This video has helped me and I hope that it will help you.
               .............. Till next time  ~~~ <3 Marlys

Melt in Your Mouth MondaysThe Gathering Spot



  1. That looks absolutely delicious! It's been a long time since I've done anything with yeast, and this is calling my name.....

    1. I hope that you enjoy this recipe, Angie. I hadn't made any yeast breads for a long time and then when I found the link on braiding from Chef in Disguise, I knew that I had to try it again.... Also got some great Canadian flour that I think helps in my bread making.

  2. Gosh that bread looks great - but a bit too difficult for me I think
    I found this via Make Ahead Meals for Busy Moms. I have linked in a pork and apple curry. Have a super week.

  3. I love working with yeast (I specialized in making challahs) and this looks GREAT !
    It's the 1st time I hear about "Pulla" and I'd love to try and make it
    Thanks so much for sharing this :)

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Sounds yummy! I am baking my first batch of homemade cinnamon rolls right now. They smell heavenly. Stop over and link up to my linky party today called The Gathering Spot. Have a wonderful week.

  6. Great looking bread, the buns looks awesome! Wish I had one of those cinnamon buns.

  7. Your braids looks awesome! You have succeeded with then, really!

    1. Thank you so much... Now all I have to do is try to make Pikkupullat so they look nice.


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