This and that

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Candy Cane Fudge Truffles

A while back I made some candy cane fudge, with Hershey's Candy Cane Kisses
Although the fudge tasted great it was very soft.
I am not sure what I did to it that it didn't set properly.
I first thought of rolling it into balls and dipping it into chocolate -
but that didn't pan out as well as I wanted it too, as the fudge melted in the warm melted chocolate.
I didn't want to waste the fudge so decided to mix the fudge with some animal crackers and then roll them
and dip them into chocolate.
I will give you the recipe that I used to make the fudge.. Maybe it will work out for you.

Candy Cane Fudge

This recipes was adapted from Dawn's Divine Delight - Dove Fudge

3 cups white sugar
3/4 cup butter
1 can evaporated milk (large)
1/2 bag Hershey's Candy Cane Kisses
2- 4 oz Ghirardelli White Chocolate Bars
7 oz Marshmallow Creme - or 1 cup homemade - I use this recipe

Cut chocolate into small pieces and set aside.  Bring sugar, butter and evaporated milk to a full rolling boil on medium heat.  Boil for 4 minutes or until candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees. Remove from heat and add chocolate and marshmallow creme until mixed. The fudge was very pink, so I added some red food colour and swirled it into the fudge.  Place in foil covered 9 x 13.  Place in refrigerator until set.  

This should have set properly.  Mine set but was too soft to cut into bars, so I then had to rethink what I would do it.  I decided to make some chocolates.  I first thought of dipping as I said, but this didn't work.. My next thought was to use molds.  I didn't have any molds but I did have some ice cube trays and thought those could work... They did.  I placed a small amount of melted chocolate in the bottom of the ice cube tray and then placed a small amount of the soft fudge mixture onto top of the melted chocolate and then added more melted chocolate above the fudge.  Then tapping the ice cube tray to let all the chocolate settle.  Place in refrigerator until set.

place small amount of chocolate in bottom
of tray, then small amount of fudge and cover
with more chocolate

Candy Cane Fudge Truffles

3 cups of the above recipe for candy cane fudge
1 cup animal cracker crumbs
melted chocolate.
candy cane crumbs (optional)

Mix candy cane fudge and animal cracker crumbs together.  Roll into balls and place in refrigerator until set.  Once set, melt chocolate and dip balls into chocolate.  Sprinkle candy cane crumbs over chocolate (optional).  Let cool.

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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Foodie Friends Friday December 13/12

Have you got your Christmas baking done?
No, then this is the place you should be....
There is always great recipes here on Foodie Friends Friday

Great Recipes, Great Food and Great Giveaways!
This week's giveaway is 3 body scrubs from

Remember to fill out the rafflecopter for your chance to win
and you don't have to have a blog to fill it out.
Anyone can get in on the chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now on to the Party!
Foodie Friends Friday
Tracy at Busy Vegetarian Mom
Marlys at This and That
Lois at  Walking on Sunshine
Michelle at  From Calculus to Cupcakes
Cynthia at Feeding Big
Jodie at Binomial Baker
R Dawn at Spatulas on Parade
Angie at A lil Country Sugar
Jutta at HungryLittleGirl
Cindy at Cindy's Recipes and Writings: : 
Joanne at Winelady Cooks:
Marlene at Nosh My Way:


Please link up your recipes to Foodie Friends Friday or the host you linked with
and if you linked up on my blog, please leave a message so that I can go over and personally thank you.

Last Week's Winners

A'lil  Country Sugar- Snicker Apple Salad
Nosh my Way - Kahlua Brownies
Adorned Well - Green Chile Casserole
On The Home Front - English Muffin Bread
Life Tastes Good - Lemon Sunshine Cake
Crumbs in my Mustachio - Chile Verde

Do You Make Gingerbread Houses?
Remember to enter our Gingerbread Competition
or you can enter on my blog 
gingerbread house competition

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Christmas Oranges

Growing up we always had Christmas oranges to eat.
Mom would buy boxes upon boxes of oranges
And we were able to eat as many as we wanted, without even asking.
The box always sat up in our living room closet shelf
Probably because the opening to the attic was in that closet and it keep the closet cool.

Christmas oranges were one of the traditions we had.
In Canada we bought either Japanese or Chinese mandarin oranges.
Personally I liked the Japanese better, but they were more expensive so Mom would buy both kinds.

After moving to the United States, I have had a hard time finding them.
There are clementines and tangerines
but these are not the same... they don't taste the same.
When I moved up to the U.P. in Michigan
I was lucky enough to find Japanese oranges...
but they don't come every year.
This year they are here again..

I don't have a living room closet to put them in
but part of my childhood Christmas is here again..

Christmas Oranges..

Do you have any memories of your childhood Christmases?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Guest Blog at Feeding Big

Last week I did a guest blog  for a great friend of mine
Cynthia at Feeding Big.
She is doing this wonderful series called Around the World in 80 days.
I think this is a wonderful series as she will exploring different countries and their foods.
My post was about African Foods ~ Togo, West Africa
I gave a little history of how I got into cooking African Food 
and also a new recipe...

African Foods
Cooking in Africa

Corn porridge and okra sauce done three different ways
For my recipe on okra sauce done three different ways, you will have to go Cynthia's blog Feeding Big.
If you like okra, this is a great recipe.
Thank you Cynthia for letting me spend a little time on Feeding Big!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Liebster Award.

Awhile back ~ a long while back I was nominated for the Liebster Award 
I even feel guilty because it has been so long ago.
Thank you Dawn for this honour and
it is a great way to share new and upcoming blogs.

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. 

-Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves. 
-Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
-Choose 11 bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them to your post.
-Go to their page and tell them about the award.
-No tag backs!

11 random facts about me

1.  I was 42 when I got married and this is the first time and only time.
2.  I got married in Togo, West Africa and my husband and I spent the first 25 months of our marriage on different continents.
3.  I moved to the United States in 2000.
4.  I became an American Citizen this year in July.
5.  I love shoes and even bought a pair of shoes that were exactly the same as the ones I had at home, because I couldn't remember that I had them :).
6.  I love to travel.
7.  I wrote my first blog post in March 2012.
8.  I bought my yellow escape because of the colour.
9.  I will try any type of food at least once.
10. Photography is my number one passion ~ after cooking that is.
11. I am very crafty and wish that I had more time to do my crafts.

My Questions are: 

  1. What is your favorite type of food to cook? -I have loved learning to cook African, but I also love to bake... and create.
  2. What is your favorite type of music? - I prefer instrumental music but love Christmas Music.
  3. Thanksgiving or Christmas? which is your favorite? - Christmas
  4. What was your favorite Christmas gift received as a child? - and doll and I still love to get dolls for Christmas and I have over 100 dolls.
  5. Do you have pets, how many and what kind? - No pets.
  6. How long have you been blogging?- Since March 2012
  7. Why did you start your blog? - So that I would have my recipes somewhere and also to promote African cooking as the food is so good.
  8. Do you work outside of the home? - I work full-time as a Registered Nurse in ER and ICU.
  9. How many kids do you have? - We have none and would love to have some if you have some to get rid of... just let me know :).
  10. What is your hidden talent? - Not sure if I have one.
  11. If you could do one thing, without worry of money or time, what would it be? - To be able to help the poor and third world countries, and not by giving them money but to be able to give them the tools to help themselves.

    I give this award to:

    Your Questions to Answer:
    1.  What are you most thankful for currently?
    2.  What inspired you to become a blogger?
    3.  If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
    4.  What is one of your favorite blog/s to follow? (and you don't have to say mine :)).
    5.  When you go for a snack is sweet or salty?
    6.  What is your all-time favorite memory of Christmas?
    7.  What is one word that describes you?
    8.  What is your favorite holiday?
    9.   What is your favorite Christmas cookie... or any kind of cookie?
    10. What is/are your hobbies?
    11.  What is your favorite quote?    

    Thank you again Dawn for thinking of me when you received your award.
    I am honoured and touched by your thoughtfulness.

    Scandinavian Spice Cookies

    Both Sweden and Finland have a spice cookie that is eaten during the Christmas season.
    In Swedish they are called Pepparkakor and in Finnish they are called Piparkakut or Pepparkakkuja
    The recipe for these cookies are fairly similar
    These cookies can either be rolled thin and cut into shaped and then iced
    or rolled into balls and pressed down.
    The cookies that are cut into shapes are much crisper then the rolled ones.
    Here is the recipe that I came up with after reading a few different recipes. 
    I made these for our cookie exchange this year.

    Scandinavian Spice Cookies 

    1 1/4 cup butter
    1 cup sugar
    3 T brown Karo syrup ( you could also use molasses)
    1 egg
    1 tsp. baking soda
    3 cups flour
    1/2 tsp cloves
    1 tsp cinnamon
    1/2 tsp cardamon 
    1 tsp ginger.

    Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.  Add the syrup, egg and soda mixed with a small amount of flour and mix well.  Mix in the remaining flour cloves, cinnamon, cardamon and ginger.  Mix well.    
    After dough is mixed, I place it in the fridge for an hour or so, so that the dough is cool. 
    Roll out dough thin and cut with cookie cutters or roll into balls and flatten out with a glass or a cookie press.  I used a cookie press that had been dipped in sugar.  Bake in 350 degree oven for 10 -12 minutes.

    You can also decorate these cookies ~ I outlined the stars and hearts with royal icing (recipe below) or you could also put sprinkles on the cookies before baking them. 

    Royal Icing
    2 egg whites
    2 cups icing sugar (powdered sugar)
    1 tsp vanilla 

    Mix all ingredients together.  Place in decorating bag with straight tip and outline cookies with icing.

    rolled and used a snow flake shaped
    cookie press
    Star shape cookie cutter

    heart shape cookie cutter

    I am sure that there will be someone here that will say that Finland isn't part of the Scandinavian countries.  I have both Finnish blood and Swedish blood in me and I say that I am Scandinhoovien... Not a word but you know what I mean.  Although there is a lot different between Finland and Sweden there is a lot similar just like between Canada and United States.

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    Saturday, December 8, 2012

    Shortbread Thumbprint Cookies.

    I decided to have a cookie exchange this year and was going through my recipes for different cookies that I could make.  I really wanted to make sand tarts but was very got  frustrated trying to make them as the cookies didn't want to come out of the tart shells... so decided to make thumbprint cookies instead with the dough.  These cookies taste like short bread cookies with jam... I had gotten some royal fig preserve from my Foodie Pen Pal and thought this was perfect for these cookies. The recipe I received from my cousin and I am not sure where she got it from.

    Shortbread Thumbprint Cookies

    1 cup margarine
    2/3 cup sugar
    1 egg
    2 1/2 cup flour
    jam/jelly/preserve (I used Royal Fig Preserve)
    Icing ( made of 1 tsp butter, 1 cup powdered sugar and enough milk to make icing runny)

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees
    Whip margarine and sugar together.  Add eggs and beat until fluffy.  Add flour slowly and beat until ingredients are mixed.  Roll dough into 1 inch balls, place on cookie sheet.  Press thumb in center of cookie. Add approximately 1 tsp of jam/jelly/preserves into thumbprint mark.  Bake for 5 - 7 minutes. Cool cookies on baking rack.  Once cookies are cooled, drizzle icing over them.

    once cool, drizzle icing over cookies 

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