Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Iced Mocha Frappe - Ultimate Recipe Challenge

Using chocolate and coffee to make your frappe at home much cheaper than buying at a coffee shop.

Using chocolate and coffee to make your frappe at home much cheaper than buying at a coffee shop.

Iced Mocha Frappe 

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Every two months I join a group of bloggers for the Ultimate Recipe Challenge.  We are given an ingredient from Kim of The Kim Six Fix and need use it to make a recipe.  This month is one of my favorite ingredients - CHOCOLATE!

Summer is on its way... although as I write this post I wonder if that can be true as it is white out there!  Even though it is snowing and colder than I would prefer, I do love to have a specialty ice coffee. The biggest challenge for me is the price... and the distance to go out to get one so I make them at home ~ easy, cheap and DELICIOUS!

Using chocolate and coffee to make your frappe at home much cheaper than buying at a coffee shop.

1 cup cold brewed coffee *
1/2 cup half and half
1-2 tbsp chocolate sauce - I used Trader Joe's Fudge Sauce
1 1/2 cup ice
1 STOK black coffee shot -optional
whipped cream and extra chocolate sauce - optional

Place brewed coffee, half and half, chocolate sauce, ice and black coffee shot in a blender.
Blend well
Optional - drizzle chocolate sauce down inside of glass or cup
Pour in frappe
Add whipped cream and drizzle more chocolate sauce over top.

Makes 1 to 2 cups.

*Cooks notes:  To make Homemade Cold Brew Coffee: Add 1/2 cup coffee grounds to 4-6 cups cold water.  Let sit on a counter for up to 24 hours.  Stir and strain out coffee grounds.  Place cold brewed coffee in the fridge and enjoy on it own, (you may want to dilute it with more water or milk) or make your favorite specialty coffee.
This recipe can be made with any type of milk that you would like.

Check out all the other great Chocolate Recipes......

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  1. I could use one of these right this very minute! Thanks for joining the Ultimate Challenge this month!

  2. I am craving this now, thank you very much.


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