Thursday, July 7, 2016

Coconut Peanut Cookies - Fill the Cookie Jar

Coconut Peanut Cookies / This and That - gluten free, no bake cookies

This month's fill the cookie jar was to make patriotic cookies ~ well I didn't do that.  I also left my cookies for the last minute and as the weather was hot and muggy, there was no way that I was going to turn on the oven... So I made some no bake cookies, with coconuts and peanuts.

Coconut Peanut Cookies

I wanted to make something that was fairly healthy and these would have been just that if I would have unsweetened coconut, but I didn't, I used sweetened so they were very sweet.  I could have eaten all of them they were so good, gooey sweetness and all. Also, I didn't have all the coconut I needed, I added some peanuts.

Coconut Peanut Cookies / This and That - gluten free, no bake cookies

This recipe was inspired by a recipe I found online called No-Bake Coconut Cookies by Frugal Farm Wife.

1 cup maple syrup
1 cup coconut 
peanuts - (I had not quite a cup of coconut and chopped enough peanuts to make a cup)
1 tsp vanilla
1 -2 squares Dark Ghiradelli Chocolate

In saucepan bring maple syrup to a boil and continue to boil until it reaches soft boil stage (234-236 F on a candy thermometer) 
Remove from heat and let cool for 5 minutes.
Beat cooled maple syrup with a whisk, adding vanilla.
Add coconut and peanuts and mix well.
Drop by teaspoon onto wax paper or baking map.  Let cool completely.
Melt dark chocolate and drizzle over cookies.

Coconut Peanut Cookies / This and That - gluten free, no bake cookies

I brought these to work and although my co-workers said they were sweet, they were just about gone by the end of the shifts... So I think they were a win.

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  1. I love making no bake cookies in the summer especially when it's too hot to turn the oven on. Your cookies look delicious and I bet the peanuts added a little crunch.

  2. Perfect idea! Who wants to bake in the summer heat. But I do love baking with maple syrup.

  3. Your co-workers have great taste! I think these are a winner, too!

  4. Wow, I have never heard of such a cookie, but these look delicious!

  5. Hi Marlys, I do love your no bake cookies. I love that you improvised, a sign of a great cook!!!! Grampy and I love coconut, and no bake is always a winner, can't wait to make these.

  6. You had me at gooey! I love cookies that are gooey and good. These sound pretty healthy to me and since we are on a path to healthier eating, I know they would be something we love. Thanks so much for sharing them with the gang at the Fill The Cookie Jar group!

  7. These look positively addicting! Hope to join you next month :)


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