Thursday, May 5, 2016

Fortune Cookies for Nurse's Week

A Crispy Homemade Fortune Cookie made for your favorite nurses.

Fill the Cookie Jar for Nurse's Week with Fortune Cookies

Homemade Fortune Cookies

Fill the Cookie Jar for Nurse's Week with Fortune Cookies

"Oh! I will make cookies for nurse's week... fortune cookies would be a fun cookie to do... they will be easy"  I can  still hear myself saying this a few weeks ago at a nursing leadership meeting.  I think I bit off more than I could chew this time....

As I was speaking my mind was going to our Fill the Cookie Jar posts for this month..  thinking that I could make these cookies for my post.  I know they don't fall into this month's theme of Mother's Favorite but as my mom was a nurse, I think these will work.

It took me three times to get a recipe that would work.  When I first thought of making fortune cookies, I though of making a sugar cookie... Well it didn't work, all the cookie did was crumble.  I found a recipe online that I thought would be perfect... well not so perfect.  So by number three recipe I was giving up hope that I would get something to work... PAY DIRT....

Third time was a charm.  And after some frustration and  burnt fingers I got some cookies made.  I still need to make more after I write this post.  This recipe was adapted from Fifteen Spatulas.   As I was trying to make the cookies into fortune cookie shape (that didn't work well for me), I realized that by just folding them and placing them in muffin tins, they looked like nurses caps.. PERFECT!

Fill the Cookie Jar for Nurse's Week with Fortune Cookies

3 large egg whites
1/2 cup sugar (I used Zulka Morena Pure Cane Sugar)
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp almond extract
1/8 tsp orange extract
3 tbsp water
1 cup flour
optional:  sprinkles and white chocolate

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
In mixing bowl add egg whites and sugar, beat until fluffy but not stiff about 2 minutes.
Add melted butter, vanilla, almond extract, orange almond and water and mix.
Add in flour and mix until flour is all mixed in.
Place baking mat on cookie sheet.
Using tablespoon, drop batter onto baking mat and with the back of tablespoon, spread batter into about 3 inch circle.  (Only make 2-3 cookies at a time as you need to fold the cookies after they bake when they are still hot.)
Bake cookies for 7-8 minutes until edges are slightly brown.
Once cookies are baked, open oven door and pull out rake slightly.  Fold cookies in half using spatula, add fortune and then fold the cookies and place in muffin tin to keep shape.  Let cool. (I didn't bend down the cookie over a cup but you could do that)  See video done by Fifteen Spatula.
Once the cookies have cooled I dipped the bottom of the cookies in melted white chocolate and sprinkles.

Fill the Cookie Jar for Nurse's Week with Fortune Cookies

I wrapped each cookie into plastic wrap and tied a tag on each package.  We are planning on placing each cookie into all the nurses mailbox tomorrow for Nurses Day.. I hope they all like their little surprise.

Fill the Cookie Jar for Nurse's Week with Fortune Cookies

Fortunes that we place in the cookies:
"You can always find happiness at work"
"Don't put off admissions today that will have to be done tomorrow"
You are an awesome nurse"
"Mandatory overtime is in your near future"
"You are a life saver"
Your caring nature makes you a great nurse"

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  1. Oh Marlys! I love these so much! I knew right away they were nurses caps. I have always wanted to try to make my own fortune cookies. Thanks for going through the trial and error of finding a recipe that will work :)

  2. Oh Marlys, this cookie hits the mark on all counts. I can feel your frustration when the recipe doesn't work - I had the same issue this month. I love your cookie, theme and sentiment and they look adorable and delicious. Thanks for sharing your recipe.


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