Monday, September 15, 2014

DIY Tablet Cover - No Sew

After making my Burlap Place Mats, all I can think about is painting on fabrics.  I enjoyed making them and when I saw a homemade cover for an I-pad in a magazine, I just knew what my next project was going to be.
I can't remember where I found the cover and all I remembered was that it was made with a bubble envelope.  I have a tablet and decided that I could make a cover for it with a 8.5 X 11.5 envelope.  I also had bought a cloth dropcloth a while back and have been wanting to use it for some kind of project. Along with paints and stencils that I received from DecoArt, I had everything I needed.   A cover was made which was inexpensive and my own.

DIY Tablet Cover 

DIY Tablet Cover ~ No Sew/ This and That #DecoArt #ModPodge #fabricpaint #nosew

8.5 X 11.5 Bubble Envelope
Fusible Web
DecoArt SoSoft Paint ~Burnt Sienna and Baby Blue
Americana Stencil ~ Kaleidoscope accent
paintbrush or pouncer brush
glue ~ I used Mod podge Glue
DIY Tablet Cover ~ No Sew/ This and That #DecoArt #ModPodge #fabricpaint #nosew

1.  Measure width envelope and add  1/2 inch to each side, measure length of envelope and multiply it by 2.5.    You need enough fabric to go around each side and make a flap.
2.  Cut along the long side of the envelope (just one side).  Glue down the flap, so that you have one side open.  Set aside.
3.  Cut drop cloth and fusible web so that it will cover both sides of the envelope and flaps over about 1/3 to 1/2.
4.  Iron on Fusible web to inside of the drop cloth. (make sure that you don't have a ridge in the cloth like I did).
5.  Cut 1/2 inch of paper off fusible web down both lengths of the material. Fold in material 1/4 inch and iron the two sides together.  Do the same for the width.  This gives you a hem on all sides.  Keep paper on the rest of the fusible web.
6.  Glue material to envelope with Mod Podge glue. Glue width sides together and let dry.  I did clip sides together with clothespins while they dried.
7.  Once everything is dried and held together, place flap down and arrange stencils on front of the cover.  Tape stencil in place.  Using pouncer with a small amount of paint, apply paint to cloth. Move stencil and repeat.  Let paint dry.
8.  Glue button to bottom half of tablet and tie a loop and glue to inside of top flap so that loop will go around button to close cover.  Let dry. 

DIY Tablet Cover ~ No Sew/ This and That #DecoArt #ModPodge #fabricpaint #nosew

As you see I have a large wrinkle in my material when I ironed the fusible web on the cloth.  I didn't paint the stencil where the flap goes down but you could do this if you want.

I think you could use the same idea to make an I-pad cover just using the bigger size of bubble envelope as long as the I-pad fits in.

I received SoSoft Fabric Paint and Americana Stencils from DecoArt to make this product.

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Linked up to the awesome parties:  Dare to Share #129, In and Out of the Kitchen, Pinworthy Projects Link Party, Fiber Tuesday


  1. Oh, I LOVE this! It turned out beautifully...I LOVE the stencils and the colors you used!

    1. Thanks Marilyn, I love brown and blue together.

  2. Very beautiful - I love your stencil designs.

  3. This is so cute! I just shared this in my FB Group Uncommon Wealth! I know they will eat it up there!

  4. What a great idea! And so cute.

  5. This is a great project to make. I am so glad I found it. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I love the design you've painted, it's so pretty!

  7. Very cool! And such a pretty design!
    Thank you for sharing with Fiber Tuesdays! :)

  8. Thanks for the information and links you shared this is so should be a useful and quite informative!

    kids tablet covers


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