Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunlit Sunday ~ Sun through the house


Sunlit Sunday is coming to an end.  I think after this week, there is one more week to go.  I will be sad to see it go and have had fun trying to come up with ideas to have some....

Sunlight during this long and dreary winter 
One morning this past week, after I had gotten up to help hubby type up an assignment and he left for class, I wandered through the house trying to figure out what I should do with my morning.  It was another cold day out, although the sun was shining brightly.

 The only thing that I really wanted to do was crawl up on the couch, under my blankie and sleep in the sunlight.. I did have to work that night... So I could have done it.

The sun shining through the windows was blinding


 Tickling the ivories

Brightening up my African Carvings..

Outside the snow was glistening
Blue, Blue Skies

What did I do that fine sunny, cold day?
I slept... As I did have to go to work that night, curled up under a blanket
with the warm sun shining down on me...
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Linked up to:  Sunlit Sunday
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. I really enjoying seeing how the sun lands in your home, Marlys, and how it highlights certain wooden treasures from Africa. The snow is sparkling beautifully, but I can understand how you're looking for springtime weather to catch up with the change of seasons on the calender. By the way, do you play the piano very often?

    That couch does look like a good spot for a snooze!


  2. A nap on the couch with the sun drifting across sounds like a peaceful way to spend an afternoon.

  3. the sun sure does cheer us up when it streams through the windows and into the house

  4. The sunlight is welcome wherever it lands on a snowy day. It illuminates your home beautifully. Taking a nap on a couch in rays of sunshine sounds so lovely and cozy.

  5. Beautiful photos... That couch with a warm blanket alone with that warm sun shining in would be very inviting!

  6. Ahh nice pictures! I don't blame you for curling up and sleeping again! I've been delighted to see the sun shining through my home too! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Marlys, I am glad you took a nap. The comfy couch with sun rays beaming down on it looked so right for a nap. As I was reading your post, I kept thinking to myself "I hope Marlys take a nap"

  8. Marlys...your sunlit photos are lovely and so inviting. If I manage to get a ray or two inside our home, it simply highlights the dust! Hope your nap invigorated you for your night's work!


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