Friday, February 14, 2014

Pay it Forward ~ Creative

Have you ever pay-it-forward to anyone or had it done to you.  It feels wonderful both ways.  I love paying-it forward to others and one of the ways I have done it is leaving enough money to pay for part of the person bill behind me in the coffee line, dropping off something to the neighbors just because or putting money in the parking meter when I notice the time is running out.  This summer I had a stranger pay-it-forward by leaving a gift card at Tim Horton's for the next person that came to the til.. That person was me.  Leave me a comment if it has ever happened to you or how you have Pay-It-Forward.

Last year on my Facebook Page I had a Creative Pay-It-Forward.   It was one of the things that was going around.  You were asked to continue to pay it forward if you participated.  I was a little delinquent as  it took me till now to get my parcels out to everyone that gave me their addresses.

This year I decided to do something similar but through my blog instead of through my facebook page.  I am going to open this to everyone that comes to my blog.  You don't have to really do anything but if you do get picked all that I ask is that you pay it forward to someone... it can be anyone ~ neighbor, a love one, someone you don't know.  That is it .  I would love for you to let me know what you did.

I haven't decided what I will send to you it may be some candy, it could be a book, possible something that I have made but you will get something.  Here is a sampling of what I sent out just this week to the names and address that I received last year.

I picked Valentine's Day as I decided to use Finland's custom for Valentine's Day as a day to remember all your friends not just your loved one.  It is called Friend's Day and I want to thank all of you for being here for me and supporting me.

I will pick at least 5 names but depending on how many names I get, I may just decided to do more.  I am going to use rafflecopter as it will be easier to get your emails.  That is the only thing that I am requiring you to give me is your email address through rafflecopter.  Easy right so make sure you sign up.  I will then email you if your names are picked so that I can get some information from you... Likes, dislikes, maybe favorite colours.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Although I am not requiring you to do anything else to get your name in the draw, I would love for you to follow me through any social media.  One the side of my page there is Come Social, just click on one of the icons or follow me on bloglovin and it will take you to my social media pages and you just click follow.  I appreciate that...

Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

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  1. Great idea! :) Hope you get lots and lots of entries! <3 Happy Valentine's Day!

  2. Thank you, Marlys, what wonderful idea! Happy Valentine's Day! ♥

  3. Hi Marlys, How lovely to share and pay it forward. The crazy times we live in calls for us to pay it forward and show that someone cares. It definitely puts a smile on those who need a 'lift' at that particular moment. That is most rewarding!

    Thank you Marlys,

    1. It is important to show others you care and getting something in the mail beside bills may just be the ticket to bring about a smile. Thanks for coming by..

  4. What a fantastic idea Marlys!! I love this idea. Pinning! :)

  5. Marlys what a lovely idea! And I learned something about Friend's Day. I like that custom :) Happy Valentine's Day! Virtual Hugs to You

    1. Thanks Lydia, when I was reading about Valentine's around the world I love the friend's day.. I knew that they did this but didn't realize it was on Valentine's Day.

  6. What a wonderful idea. The only thing I have been doing lately, is allowing random people to go ahead of me in busy grocery lines. I get weird looks, while I have kids in tow, but it's a good way to teach a quick lesson to the kids as well.

    1. That is a great way to show kindness to your kids and cost you nothing but your time.

  7. That's a happy looking collections of mugs, all nicely dressed in their little sweaters!

    1. Thanks Karen, I hope you signed up for the pay-it-forward.

  8. I can't believe I was one of the names picked Thank you so very much


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