Saturday, January 18, 2014

Tea Cups in the Snow for Sunlit Sunday

We finally got some sun in these parts.  Today was a wonderful bright and sunny day.  The snow was glistening and as we had just got a few fresh inches of fluffy snow, it looked wonderful outside.

I had seen some pictures of tea cups in the snow floating around facebook and always wanted to do some pictures like that and today I got my chance.  I really should have looked at them earlier as they weren't exactly how I wanted them to be... I guess I will have to go out again on the next sunny day and take more.

Tea Cups in the Snow 

This picture I did in pencil style....

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Linked also to these great blogs:  Make it Pretty Monday, Twirl & Take A Bow, Treasure Box Tuesday

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  1. Lovely contrast with the snow, sunlight and the teacups!!! Very nice!!! Have a grand day! Cathy

  2. Marlys, these are really pretty pictures. I've never seen this idea before. The fluffy snow in the first photo is so pretty too. We could use some fresh fluff here now. Blessings, Pamela

  3. Marlys, the teacups look really pretty with all the snow around and on them. Like, Pamela, I've not seen this done before and the sparkling snow in contrast with the china is lovely. The pencil style photo is fun too.

    A hot cup of tea on Sunlit Sunday sounds like a fine idea!

    Have a wonderful week.


  4. This is so fun. I live in Florida and haven't seen snow in years.

  5. Oh my goodness, I love those tea cups in the snow!! They are beautiful!!


  6. How pretty your cups look sitting on the sparkling snow - now I can see the snowflakes!

    Happy Sunlit Sunday Marlys!

  7. Hi Marlys,

    Dainty and delicate teacups, stacked one on top of the other, surely charming cheerleaders of the crockery kind!



  8. I love the teacups in the snow photos ... a lovely idea.
    It's a snowy dull day here in my part of Ontario, but there were snatches of sunlight through the week.

  9. What a lovely idea! Very pretty ! :)

    Deb from Homespun here :)

  10. What a wonderful photo, the sparkle of the snow is breathtaking.

  11. The teacups looks so pretty in the snow -- lots of sparkle.

  12. Dear Marlys, What a pretty a wistful post

    Have a lovely day. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

  13. All that is missing is the tea & cakes

  14. How pretty are your teacups in the snow. What fun to see an idea and adapt it to your own style with what you have. Such a creative look. Now, if only it would snow here.....I'm still hoping.

  15. Wow very creative. Snow and a cuppa are just right for each other. Enjoy your snow.

  16. It gets around to this time of year and I turn back to blogging for inspiration...and I glad I did. I love the teacups. What fun!!

  17. Love it! Nice candid photos. Maybe I should take your lead but do teacups in the sand, or in the tall grass- we live in So Ca, so no snow here. Feel free to stop by and see my special teacup from the UK that was featured on BBC's Sherlock. Have a great week :)

  18. Marlys, I love these- I'm so glad you shared them at Treasure Box Tuesday today! I hadn't seen any tea cups in the snow pictures at all, so this is brand new to me- how creative! My grandmother left me her sweet collection of tea cups, which I cherish. Your collection is lovely! ♥

  19. What a sweet idea - and so pretty!

  20. What a creative way to photograph your teacups! I wouldn't have thought to do this...but it looks lovely! Thank you so much for sharing with us on Twirl and Take a Bow on Tuesdays! ~Tammy


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