Sunday, January 26, 2014

Brown Rice Crackers and Salmon/Tomato Salsa

I have been fortune enough to be given a Wondermill through Grain Mill Wagon and absolutely love it.  We have had so much fun grinding my own flour.  So far we have ground black-eyed peas, popcorn and brown rice.  It is easy and  I am wondering if it is cheaper to do it this way then buying these different flours.  You can grind all sorts of whole grains and also beans.  They have a list of what the Wondermill Grain Mill can Grind.
My latest creation I made by grinding my own flour from brown rice and popcorn is Brown Rice Crackers. These are gluten free and dairy free, full of wonderful nuts like sunflower seeds, chia seeds and pumpkin seeds, sweetened with local honey.  I found the recipe in one of my new e-cookbooks ~ Get Naked in the Kitchen by Briana Santoro

Brown Rice Crackers and Salmon/Tomato Salsa

To find the recipe for the Brown Rice Crackers head over Here.  We had made a Salmon/ Tomato Salsa and this tasted wonderfully with the Crackers.

Salmon/Tomato Salsa 
1 vine grown tomato diced
1/4 cup onions sliced
2- 3 mini peppers sliced
1 small hot pepper ground (or to taste)
Smoked Salmon (to taste ~ we used approx 1/3 -1/2 cup) broken in pieces.

Mix all ingredients together and enjoy with crackers or bread.

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Linked up to these great blogs:  In & Out of the Kitchen


  1. Those crackers look so interesting! I've never made my own crackers before but will have to try them :)

  2. I haven't made crackers before. Maybe I'll have to try that sometime. The salmon salsa looks yummy! Visiting from @DearCreatives Theresa


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