Friday, January 31, 2014

Black-eyed Beans Beignets

One of the recipes that my hubby always wanted to make was Beignets using Black-eyed Beans (or peas).  He said growing up in Togo, West Africa they would take Black-eyed Peas to the mill to be ground and then they would use the flour to make the Beignets.  These Beignets were called Gawoo in Ewe or Beignet de Haricot in French.

We were unable to make these are we could make the flour until I was given a Wondermill for the Grain Mill Wagon Challenge and we were on our way.

Black-eyed Beans Beignets

1 cup black-eyed bean flour
2/3 cup plus 1 tbsp water
3/4 tsp salt (or to taste)
oil to fry

Mix flour and 2/3 cup water together.  Beat for about 3-4 minutes ~ I used my kitchen aide.
Add 3/4 tsp salt to 1 tbsp water and add to mixture.  Continue to beat until dough is runny.  (You want the dough as runny as possible, it will rise properly in the oil).
Let dough sit for 5 minutes.
Pour oil in pan, you want enough oil so the beignets don't touch the bottom
Mix dough for 30 seconds to 1 minute with spoon.
Drop beignets in hot oil from tablespoon or drop with your hand and fry to golden brown.

My husband said that he would be buy these for his breakfast.  They costed about 1 cent per beignet and he would get 5.  He also said that they were round and didn't have tails on them like mine do.  I tried every which way to make mine without tails, but no success.  The biggest hint to making these perfect is to beat the dough well.  The more you beat it the better they will be.  I did use my kitchen aide but I know that my mother-in-law beats the dough by hand.

This video shows how runny the dough should be....

We made a dip of  chili pepper, onions and salt ground together into a paste to dip the Gawoo in... YUMMY!

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