Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pumpkin Spice Syrup

I love this time of year... love the change of colours and the cool crisp air.  Best of all is that it is pumpkin season.  I know that you could have pumpkins all year round as all you have to do is buy a can of pumpkin puree... but pumpkin is the best when fall is in the air.
I also love pumpkin flavour in my tea and coffee.. Nothing beats a Pumpkin Spice Latte or even a Pumpkin Spice Chai Latte..and I have been even drinking more since I made this Pumpkin  Spice Syrup.Lately I have been coming home from work,  making myself a coffee and adding some pumpkin spice syrup , no wonder I don't sleep.

Pumpkin Spice Syrup 

1/3 cup pumpkin puree
1 cup sugar ( I used 1/2 cup honey powder and 1/2 cup Zulka  pure cane sugar)
1 1/4 cup water
1/4 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp cloves
1/2 tsp vanilla

Combine ingredients in saucepan.  Bring to boil and continue to cook over medium heat.  Stirring frequently to prevent  the syrup from burning.  Let boil for approximately 10 -15 minutes until mixture becomes thick and coats spoon.  Pour into heat proof container and refrigerate between uses.  Stir or shake before using.

A great book and a great cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte on a crisp fall day ~ Perfection.
To Make a Latte
Mix 2-3 Tablespoons of Pumpkin Spice Syrup into approximately 1/2 cup of milk.  Either place in microwave in microwave safe cup and cook for about a minute or so, or cook on stove until warm.  Whisk until milk is frothy and slowly pour in 1/2 cup of strong coffee or chia and enjoy.  I don't have a milk frother but this would be perfect to make a great latte.  Add whip cream and sprinkle cinnamon and you will have a Pumpkin or Chai Latte that is just as good or better then Starbucks and much cheaper... 

Last Fall I was making my Pumpkin Spice Lattes this way.  Still good but this recipe may have slightly less calories.
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LINKS:  Fluster Buster's Creative Muster, It's Fall Y'All, Thursday's treasures, Dial M for Moms Mondays,
The Spice of Life (Dial M for Mom) 
Enhanced by Zemanta


  1. WOW this looks amazing!!!!


  2. I NEED to make this... it'll save me bucketfuls of $$ at Starbucks... thanks for sharing!!

    1. You can make many cups with this and pay about the price of one grande at Starbucks... and it has real pumpkin in it too.

  3. Wow. This recipe screams fall. So amazing. This would be great with simple vanilla Ice cream!

    1. Never thought of ice cream but that would be a great way to use it.. Thanks fro stopping by Aiza

  4. This looks so good Marlys! I think is a good way to give pumpkins a try this year! This is the second night I've been having coffee, might as well do like you and try something different! Thank You so much for sharing with me at the Fluster Buster Party! Hugs girl, Lizy

  5. Thanks for sharing! I just pinned this and your recipe from last year. Both sound very yummy!

  6. This looks wonderful! Pinning so I don't lose it! :D

  7. What a delicious recipe!!! Thanks so much for sharing!


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