Monday, October 14, 2013

Natural Herbal Living E- Magazine ~ Ginger Review and a Giveaway

I love the smell of gingerbread cooking in the oven.  Nothing beats the taste of a fresh ginger cookie.
 Did you know that Ginger has other uses then just for baking? 
The October issue of the Natural Herbal Living Magazine talks all about Ginger.

Ginger is one of the spices that I use frequently in my cooking, both sweet and savory. So when I had a chance to review this article in the Natural Herbal Living Magazine I jumped at the chance.  I had been doing a little research about Ginger and how it can be used but this article opened my eyes even more.  I was truly amazed in all that Ginger can do.

Natural Herbal Living Magazine

Prior to my marriage I had thought that Ginger was only used in baking... cookies, cakes or sweet breads. After my husband arrived into the States, I found out that it is very tasty in savory dishes.  Most of our African recipe use ginger in some sort of capacity.  If you would like to see my recipes, head over HERE.
Examples of ginger we use...
Ginger Syrup, Ginger Root, Dried Ginger,
Ginger Candy and Ginger powder
Ginger is a common spice/herb that most everyone has heard of and may be in most kitchens.  As I read this magazine I found that I knew very little about ginger.  There is a detailed report on what ginger can do for you like helping with circulations, helping to relieve nausea and also helping to relieve pain of headache and migraines.  I also found out that it can help to reduce numb or cold extremities at night which is something that I suffer from... I will awaken with both of my hands feeling numb.  I will be trying the treatment in the magazine which says that it may help this numbness and cold feeling.

Along with what ginger can help with, there is some contraindications in taking it.  You may need to contact your family doctor to see if you should continue with using it. I also am very pleased that there is a statement in the magazine that says nothing in  the magazine should be considered as medical advice.  I do think herbs have their place in treatment of medical condition but as a nurse I feel that your medical physician should be well aware of what you are taking.

I also very much enjoyed all the recipes that were included in this magazine that use ginger.  My favorite one is the Ginger Tea and Yummy Chai Tea for kids The Chai Tea will be something that I will be trying to make soon, even though I am not a kid.  I like that there are recipes suitable for children too.

I found this magazine easy to read and very informational, with wonderful pictures.  This magazine comes out each month and is about a different herb.  Next month is Rose.  You can buy a subscription for one month, six months, monthly subscription or annually subscription.  You can also buy a subscription for a herb box which includes ingredients to make some of the recipes and also the e-magazine.  The magazine is available only online and in November will be available as a newstand App.  I am definately leaning towards buying one of the herb boxes, to see if I would like it.  Now how do you order you ask, just head over and subscribe.

If you still are unsure about this wonderful, information E- Magazine you can enter the giveaway for a chance to win these three issues.... Photo credit:  Natural Herbal Living website and facebook.

Rosemary Cover   Ginger Magazine Cover 1  

*** UPDATE October 21/13 ~ the winner has been picked and waiting on confirmation.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:  I was given a copy of all three e-magazines and asked to do a review on the Ginger issue.  All opinions are 100% mine.  I am not an expert on herbs but I do think that they have a place in helping our bodies heal and they have been used for centuries.
Also this is my first time using rafflecopter by myself.  If there is a problem with any of the entries, please let me know and I will fix them as soon as I can.

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  1. I've used ginger in the past to help calm an upset tummy. Mix a teaspoon in a cup of hot water and slowly drink. It does work!

  2. Love ginger... use it all the time!

  3. I don't really use ginger that much. I'm interested to learn more tho.

  4. So far I only use ginger in cooking, but I do buy a health booster honey that has ginger in it for health. I've never actually bought ginger root, only the dry ground stuff, but I would like to make some simple home remedies to have on hand and ginger root is one item I will be stocking :)

  5. I use it almost everyday in tea with lemon and raw honey!

  6. I love ginger for it's ability to help me control nausea when traveling or dealing with a migraine. I also love it with lemon as a tea!

    ocprmgr at hotmail dot com

  7. This is a great post Marlys. My great grandmother (Nonna) used to gave us ginger when we didn't feel well and my mom carried on that remedy.

  8. I buy cinnamon and clove tea (it's a black tea blend) - and when my kiddo gets an upset tummy, I put a little knob of ginger in with it to seep - cinnamon is good for the tummy too.

  9. I have heard about Ginger but never tried it other than in food and drinks for flavor. Very interesting.

  10. I love ginger for an upset stomach.

  11. I love to use ginger when cooking Chinese :) Haven't really explored the other benefits that ginger has yet but would love to learn more :) Also tweeted about your giveaway too!

    Shauna @ The Best Blog Recipes

  12. I love ginger especially homemade ginger beer, I lived on it during all 5 of my pregnancies it really helped with morning sickness

  13. I use ginger in my green juice :) and in ginger snaps!

  14. I use ginger when someone in my family has an upset tummy :)

  15. i include ginger when i juice, put some in my tea and am flavoring kombucha with ginger.

  16. Ginger is a mood booster. It’s also useful in nausea. I use it with my evening tea.


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