Saturday, October 26, 2013

National Pizza Month ~ #pizzaroundup

October is National Pizza Month and I am a big fan of pizza.  I think I could eat it for every meal and there was days when I was single I did... those days are over as I don't get it that often anymore... But when I do watch out.. I eat and eat and eat.  I also love pizza cold, I was the one that the pizza places remembered as I would ask them not to deliver my pizza in their warmers.

You might wonder why I don't get it that often anymore... Well, hubby isn't a big fan of pizza so these days I live vicarious through all the great food bloggers.. Slobbering on my screen, trying to get a whiff of that great pizza aroma as I scroll through the web.  On Foodie Friends Friday we had a pizza party and I decided to do a round - up of the great recipes that were shared to celebrate National Pizza Month...

 Pizza is a wonderful meal and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even dessert...

Pizza Roundup

1.  Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza ~ Cooking with Curls
2. Breakfast Pizza ~ The Boiled Noodle
3.  Deep Dish Pizza ~ Feeding Big
4.  Eggplant Pizza ~ This and That
5.  Nacho Pizza ~ My Biscuits are Burning
6.  French Bread Pizza ~ Life Currents
7.  Pepperoni Pizza Puffs ~ Spatulas on Parade

8.  Salmon Pizza ~ Carole's Chatter
9.  Sun Dried Tomato Flatbread Pizza ~ Busy Vegetarian Mom
10.  Veggie Pizza ~ Turnips 2 Tangerines
12 Tortilla Pizza ~ The Chef Next Door
13.  Spinach Potato Breakfast Pizza ~ Homegrown and Healthy

14.  Kristen's Ciabatta Bread Pizza ~ Nosh My Way 
15.  Rosso Verde Pizza ~ In the Kitchen with Jenny
16.  Pizza with Cauliflower Crust ~ The Extruded Noodle
17.  Peach Crisp Pizza ~ Just Dip it in Chocolate
19.  S'more Pizza ~ Winelady Cooks
20.  Sugar Cookie Fruit Pizza ~ Flavors by Four

Don't all of these pizzas sound and look so yummy.  As I was writing this post up and doing pizza collages I realized that I forgot to include my California Club Pizza.

Here is a slice just ready for you.
And if this is still not enough pizza for you, head over to the Daily Dish Magazine where you will find more great pizza recipes.

What a great way to celebrate National Pizza Month with all these great pizzas... I would love to know what your favorite pizza is  and what the strangest thing you ate on a pizza... Me tuna fish and olives together and that was all... just tuna fish and olives and a small amount of sauce.

Disclaimer:  All Pizza pictures are the bloggers pictures and taken from our Foodie Friends Friday Pizza Party.
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  1. Hi Marlys, Thank you so much for including my S'mores pizza in your Round-Up. I too could eat pizza everyday, and when I was little my great grandmother would make pizza on Fridays and my sister, my cousins and I were allowed to eat the leftover pizza for breakfast. It was our favorite treat.

    Thanks for sharing,

  2. Yum! Thanks for including my Rosso Verde pizza!

  3. Awesome Round up Marlys! Thank You so much for including my Peach Crisp Pizza girl! Hugs and love, lizy

  4. Pizza is everyone's favorite :)
    Thanks for this wonderful round-up


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