Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Slow Cooker Apple and Onion Pork Chops

Apple season is upon us.  I haven't gone picking any this year and we will see if I get any done or not.  My brother has apple trees on his land and as long as the animals don't get them, I should be able to get a few picked.

The other day I had some Granny Smith Apples in the fridge and also pork chops so decided I wanted to make something with them.  This is what I came up with.

Slow Cooker Apple and Onion Pork Chops

3-4 pork chops
1 Granny Smith Apple sliced thinly
1 medium onion (I used a red onion)
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp spicy mustard
2 tsp ginger
salt and pepper to taste

Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste on both sides of pork chops and set aside for about 5 minutes.
Mix brown sugar, spicy mustard and ginger together in bowl.
Add sliced apple and onion.  Set aside.
Place pork chops on bottom of slow cooker.
Add onion and apple mix to top.
Turn slow cooker to low and cook for 5-6 hours.

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  1. Oh this looks fabulous!! Can't wait to try it!

    1. Thanks Kay. I hope you like it.. Let me know what you think if you make it.

  2. I'm just now getting used to using my crock pot and this recipe looks delicious to try.


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