Thursday, September 19, 2013

Guest Post over at Feeding Big ~ Reiska

Today I am doing a Guest Post over at Feeding Big while Cynthia is over in Germany vacationing.  I feel a bit jealous that she is having fun while I am at home working.. but glad that she is having fun and hope that she shares lots of pictures.   I am sure she is enjoying the German Food over there.

I have been a guest on Cynthia's blog before and I love her blog.. She has many great dishes, crafts and also tips on how to be frugal.  If you haven't been over there, you need to there is something for everyone.

This time I decided to make a dish from Finland.  I know that many of you, me included are scared to make breads and this one is easy as it is unleavened ~ meaning no yeast.  It only takes about 15 minutes to get ready and another 15 minutes to bake so you can have it done in a flash...

Reiska Finnish Soda Bread 

Bread is an important part of a Finnish meal, or snack.
It is often served at coffee with meats, cheeses, tomatoes and cucumbers.

To find the recipe you need to head over to Cynthia's Blog ~~ Feeding Big.

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