Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Crazy Ingredient Challenge ~ Avocado and Caramel #crazyingredientchallenge

Where has August gone? It is already the 20th of the month and it feels like we haven't even had a summer.  I did get some vacation and was happy to spend it with my two sisters and two of my nephews.  It was fun getting to know my nephews as they were only toddlers the last time I saw them. I am sure you don't want to here all about my drivel and would rather find out what I made for this months Crazy Ingredient Challenge.

When I first heard the ingredients that we had to come up with a recipe ~ Avocado and Caramel, I thought great.  I love both of these ingredients so it shouldn't be so hard to come up with something.  I first thought of making some cookies or muffins and then went to scones and finally I thought that I would make waffles.  I did some research and found that avocados could be used instead of eggs and oils... making them more healthier.  I also decided to use whole wheat instead of white flour ~~ healthier.  But then I had to add caramel to the list... I made a caramel  sauce to drizzle over my waffles ~~ not so healthy but I only drizzled it so that means it is not so bad right?

Crazy Ingredient Challenge

Whole Wheat Avocado Waffles with Caramel Drizzle

For Waffles
2 egg whites
1 avocado 
1 cup whole wheat flour
1/4 cup white flour
2/3 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup milk (I use skim)
1/8 cup crushed pistachios
For Caramel Drizzle 
1 tbsp butter
1/8 cup brown sugar (packed)
1/8 cup heavy cream

To make Caramel Drizzle:
In small sauce pan melt butter on low-medium heat. 
Add brown sugar and cook for approx 1 minute. 
Add heavy cream, bring to a boil and cook for 2 more minutes. Stirring so it won't burn.
Set aside to cool slightly.
To make Waffles
Place 2 egg whites in mixing bowl and beat on high until light and fluffy.  Set aside in separate bowl.
Add avocado to mixing bowl (I didn't wash my mixing bowl and there was a small amount of egg whites in it).  Mix for about 30 seconds until there are no lumps.
Add flour, salt, sugar, baking powder, and milk.  Stir or mix until well mixed.
Add crushed pistachios and stir in.
Fold in beaten egg whites.
Preheat waffle maker.  Pour waffle dough and cook until desired brownness. 
* I have a Belgian waffle maker and this makes about 2.5 full size waffles.

Once cooked place waffle on plate, add whipped cream if desired and drizzle caramel sauce over all.  Sprinkle with crushed pistachios.
These waffles do have a tint of green to them, but I think with the whole wheat it is less obvious then if I used only white flour.  I do add some white flour as I feel that they are lighter with the white flour.  You can not even taste the avocados in this recipe.

If you would like to join in and have some fun creating with some crazy ingredients click on the button below. You are not obligated to join every month ~ you can pick and choice which ones you want to do.  We get the ingredients on the 1st of the month from Jutta of Hungry Little Girl and our recipes are to be posted on the 20th of the month.  So you have lots of time to come up with what you would like to make.

LINKS:  Food Holiday Link Party

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  1. I love waffles and am putting these on my list of things to make immediately!
    Jenni at Jenni's Ferris Wheel of Food

    1. Thanks Jenni, I was amazed how good these tasted.

  2. Marlys, they look fantastic! I love using whole wheat for everything I make! The whipped cream and he drizzled caramel makes me drool!

  3. Whole wheat avocado waffles... Hmmm... that sounds delicious! Great addition to this months challenge.

    Lori's Culinary Creations

  4. Great idea Marlys! I love avocado and LOVE waffles, so why not mix them? Great job on this months challenge.

  5. I think I will make these right now.

  6. Love trying different kinds of waffles! Such a great idea!

  7. I love the addition of pistachios to this recipe. I am thinking these should be on the menu for our next Sunday breakfast. I bet they were delicious!

  8. Fantastic job, Marlys. I have a waffle addiction, so this will end up in my collection.

  9. I love that the waffles are green! I bet they'd be great with a savoury topping for brunch too.


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