Saturday, July 20, 2013

Crazy Ingredient Challenge - Cauliflower and Chocolate

I have joined a new group called Crazy Ingredient Challenge.  This group was started up by Jutta from Hungry Little Girl.  This month's challenge was cauliflower and chocolate.  When I first head these two combination I thought.... WHAT???  I am not a big cauliflower fan, I can eat it raw occasionally but not cooked.  So, what was I going to do.  I had been to a Dove Chocolate Tasting Party and bought some Sweet 'N' Spicy Cocoa Rub and also Roasted Chipotle Chocolate Salsa so thought I could use this as my chocolate part of the recipe.  
My first idea was just to use the rub on the cauliflower.  I was BBQing and thought this would be perfect.  I sprinkled some EEVO and the rub on the cauliflower, placed it on the BBQ.  Well, although it wasn't awful, it wasn't so great either... So back to the drawing board I went.

I did some searching for recipes with these two ingredients.  I found lots of chocolate cake recipes with cauliflower... but they didn't interest me.  I found recipes that you make cooked cauliflower and add cocoa.. tried that and didn't really like it.  I am not sure how I even got onto some recipes for Quinoa Bites but I did and I had an Aha moment... I could do quinoa bites with cauliflower and the salsa and the recipe began.

Chocolate Cauliflower Quinoa Bites

For Bites
1 cup cooked quinoa
1/4 cup cooked wild rice
1 cup cooked mashed cauliflower *(see note)
1/8 cup diced onions
1 egg
salt and pepper to taste
Parmesan Cheese

For Dip
1/4 cup greek yogurt - I used Chobani yogurt

Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Mix quinoa, wild rice, cauliflower, salsa, onions, egg, salt and pepper together.  Place in mini muffin tins or drop from small cookie scoop. Sprinkle with a little Parmesan cheese.  Bake for 12 -15 minutes until golden brown.
For dip:  Mix yogurt and cocoa rub.

* Notes:  I cooked my cauliflower and then put it through the food processor. 

If you would like to join this group, just click on the button and it will take you to the page with the information and instructions you need to join.


Linked to these great parties:  Saturday Dishes
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  1. The dip sounds great and the bite size cauliflower not bad either. It is fun going around and seeing what everyone did. Since I loved my first try, I stopped. Lazy or crazy? ha
    Spatulas On Parade

    1. I love this challenge and was fun to try something different. I would have probably stopped at the first thing I did if I loved it...

  2. Mmmmm….. looks amazing!! Great idea and looking forward to trying this

    Lori's Culinary Creations

    1. Let me know what you think if you make this..

  3. These looks really good Marlys! I need to look into that salsa, because it sounds fabulous!

    1. Thanks Cindy... the salsa was wonderful.. Just enough sweetness and bite to it.

  4. Goodness, I love when I find a recipe that confused my brain and my tounge! Are they sweet and spicy? Or salty and sugary? These look awesome. I love weird food tastes and this is up there. Will be trying soon! :)

    -Custom Taste

    1. It has just about a little bit of everything in it. Let me know what you think if you make them.

  5. Wow! These look so good. I love the salsa idea! Great job!
    Jenni's Ferris Wheel of Food

  6. Your recipe looks awesome. As a non-meat eater, I am always looking for new veggie recipes. I am surprised to say that I am adding your chocolate and cauliflower recipe to my list!

    1. Thanks Sarah, if you make it let me know what you think.

  7. Love these little bites! I have not tried quinoa yet and I really need to! Love this recipe!

  8. Oh my goodness Marlys, you were so creative! I love that you also added onions to this special treat! No one would believe how great all these flavors go together. I will have to make your recipe soon!

  9. What an interesting recipe challenge! I'm pretty sure I wouldn't come up with anything nearly this tasty! Thank you for sharing at Saturday Dishes! Hope to see you again next week.

  10. What an unusual combination Marlys! Pinned and shared!


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